Bandarchiv: Bands, Künstler & Musiker aus der Region
- #zweiraumsilke
- 52ER
- A Blurred View
- A Kiss From Wendy
- A Prouder Grief
- A Tale of Golden Keys
- Alex Boldin
- Amariz
- Ambiviolenz
- Ami Lyons
- Amplified Ascension
- Amrand
- Andreas Jäger
- Andreja Marusic
- Annie's Golem
- Apanorama
- Appaloosa
- Ari
- Atze Bauer & die Band mit Witz
- Average Pizza
- BaamBrass
- Babeth
- Badaboom
- Basin City Orchestra
- Bazzlooka
- BeJam
- Bernie Bernsn
- Berry Season
- Betamensch
- between my head and heart
- Bird Berlin
- Blacktory
- Blue Rebul
- Blunts
- Blutpumpe und The Iron Shirt
- Boat Shed Pioneers
- Bold
- Brickbeat
- Brickwater
- Burn Out (Blues) Convention
- Byrd Dhillon
- Campaloona
- Canary Wolf
- Carlos Reisch
- Carter Lachmann Project
- Catowiez Sound Project
- Catwalk
- Chaotic Statement
- Cityfade
- Colon
- Compadre
- Cook Ray´s Gone
- Corner Valley Fire
- Crispy Jones
- Cultural Disaster
- Dadajugend Polyform
- Daily Grind
- Dandelion Revenge
- Darebeat
- das_synthikat
- Dato Alaplaya
- Dazy Nerds
- Death Star Disco
- Deine Mutter
- Delamotte
- Denis Cassiere
- Dennis Kobylinski
- Deranged Cookies
- Desert Sun
- Dezibel
- Die Neuhofer Dorfkapelle
- Diesel-77
- Dieter Vatter
- Dillberg
- Dimonic
- Dirty Laundry
- Dirty Temple
- Divamee
- DJ Sorgenfrei
- DM7
- Dolly Blaster
- Dora Flob
- Dotundertwo
- Dr. Umwuchts Tanzpalast
- DyeMansion
- Dying Humming Birds
- Echonauten
- Ego Decay
- Elena Jank & the Acoustics
- Erik Stenzel
- eSKAlation
- Estida
- Fact & Fiction
- Fett & Fertig
- Figure Beach
- Filistine
- Fish and Scale
- Fishbrook
- Fishcreek Cowboys
- Folk's Worst Nightmare
- Fránk Bayer
- Frau Wohlfahrth
- FunkFeuer
- Gankino Circus
- Gebrüder Mühlleitner mit Super-Band
- Georg Ober
- Geraldino
- Glanz & Gloria
- Gold Rushians
- Golden Kanine
- Goodbye Loona
- Hadé
- Hamus Hamalone
- Hatchets
- He Told Me To
- Henriette
- Honey Machine
- Hot Rod Gang
- HypaAktiv+
- Ill twin
- Illustrators
- Immer wieder Lara
- It goes x
- J.B.O.
- Jack Hoby
- Jana Cohen
- Jawmonks
- Jen Kova
- Jesse James & The Blue Flames
- Jo
- John Steam Jr.
- Joschi Joachimsthaler
- Joschko
- Julia Laura
- Just for now
- Kalle Godinski
- KanDo
- Karin Rabhansl Band
- Katja Weber
- King Father Baboon
- King Louis Lunchbox
- Kingston
- Knights of Caesar
- Koala Kaladevi
- La Boum
- Ladia
- Lady Crank
- Laura Heller
- Leak
- Leiden
- Leinwand
- Lemoto
- Lena Dobler
- LiamCurt
- Like A Cat
- Lilla Blue
- Lionlion
- Liquid Orange
- Living Paranoia
- LiÆN
- Looking for Alaska
- Los Wuschlos
- Lys-Jane
- M.O.F.
- Malasañers
- Malva
- Mambo Franconia
- Mars Mushrooms
- Masques
- Master Mint
- Mattis Paul Ackner
- Maximilian Adler & The SPNB
- Me & Reas
- Megaphon
- Melonball
- Melting Batteries
- Micro Circus
- MidlifeCrisler
- Midnight Steamer
- Ministry of Silly Ska
- Minor Characters
- Mirrar
- Mojoism
- Molutov
- Mona La Banda
- Money Left To Burn
- Monokini
- Moonlight Crisis
- Mother Mountain
- Mount Adige
- Mo’ Adventure
- Mrs Flow & Mr Go
- Muddy What
- My New Zoo
- myFlint
- MyRoue
- Nachtkinder
- Nelson
- New Year’s Launch
- Nick & June
- Night Nurses
- No Expectations
- No Rest For The Preachers
- Nobutthefrog
- Nun flog Dr. Bert Rabe
- Off
- Oh Lonesome Me
- One Car Limited
- Oporto
- Orange From Venus
- Overcrowded Elevator
- palacity
- Panda Club
- Pangäa
- Parabelflug
- Parallelkeller
- Paralyzed
- Party Geröllheimer
- Pawn Painters
- Pedro Helsinki
- Pets
- Ph3r0m0n
- ph4nt.
- Phantom’s
- Point & Die Spielverderber
- ppp pop project
- Prijatelji Band
- Project Delirium
- Projekt Caravelle
- Propheten & Könige
- PurpleMania
- Pygmalion
- Pyramid
- Quermeer
- Ragin`Diarrhea
- Railway Graddling Company
- Ramrods
- Rattenpakk
- RC-Plane
- Red On
- Reiner Paul
- Reload
- Remedy
- Remember Rory
- Retland
- Rey Vulcano
- RIFF reloaded
- Robocop Kraus
- Rotzlöffl
- Rumble in the Jungle
- RuvyRed
- Samantha Stollenwerck
- Scarrafoni
- Schimmy Yaw
- Schleuse
- Schubsen
- Send/Delete
- Silent Hans
- Simon Taglauer
- Sky Blue Skin
- Skyline Green
- Smokestack Lightnin
- snailgaze
- Somewhere Underwater
- Sonic Carrera Club
- Souljourney
- Sound Organic Matter
- Sphere Attacks
- Splash Landing
- Springwater
- Steffi Hansen
- Stinger
- Stonebourne
- Storm in the Attic
- Strabande
- Strife 85
- Subwave
- Sunday Morning Orchestra
- Super Dance Orchestra
- Superjunk
- Superskank
- Sutcliffe
- Taxi Lotta
- Teufel, Bräutigam & Schwegel
- The Air We Breathe
- The Attic
- The Black Elephant Band
- The Blackscreen
- The Citadel
- The Commoters
- The Dixie Bones
- The Elephant Circus
- The General Good
- The Green Apple Sea
- The Jules Band
- The Komets
- The Lasts
- The Limbic System
- The Lovebites
- The Mimics
- The Parting Pints
- The Principle Riders
- The Same
- The Shadow Lizzards
- The Southern Funk Conspiracy
- The Truffauts
- Thoughtcrime
- Tikko Tikko
- Tim Mohr
- Tonal Y Nagual
- Torey Velvet
- Toxic Avenger Band
- Tracy Holiday
- Trak Trak
- Travelling Playmates
- Trio Mangàrt
- Uli Tsitsos
- Ummananda
- Van Bluus
- Vanessa Höfer
- Vincent von Flieger
- Vladiwoodstok
- Voices in Peace
- Voyager-x
- Waste
- Wegweiser
- Widersacher Aller Liedermacher
- Wildcamping
- Willow Child
- Winesome
- Worst Advice
- Wrongkong
- Yellowcakes
- Yohto
- Young 501
- Your Carless Spark
- Yucca
- Zenga
- ZiriuZ
- ØL